4 Depot Road, Harwich, Cape Cod. MA 02645 | 11:00AM-3:30PM
We just love hot dogs!
Depot Dogs is not your ordinary hot dog stand. We are raising the bar, and here is how: our hot dogs are made by a sausage maker in Lynn, MA, to our specifications, with natural casing for that "snap" when you bite into it. The hot dog rolls re made from a famous Dutch recipe using potato flour. We customize our mustard and relish, saute fresh green and red peppers and onions. We make out beer cheddar cheese sauce and use barrel cured old world kraut. Our dogs are steamed in Guinness beer (alcohol is removed when steamed) and then grilled. Last, but not least, our Red Rock chili recipe was handed down to me by an old cowboy the day he died.
So here's to you, and your special hot dog experience!
Bob & Lisa & Ivan

4 Depot Road
Harwich, MA 02645
Rain or shine, is hot dog time
Open everyday except Tuesday for now
11:00am- 3:30pm
May thru October
Thunder and lighting, tropical storms and hurricanes are the only things that will shut the might Depot Dog down!